Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday, April 03, 2008

my favorite teddy's

I have taken to watching TED presentations (in the train on pspJ). many are fascinating and inspiring, usually talking around 10 to 15 min.

“TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from those three worlds. Since then its scope has become ever broader.”

Here is a list of my favorites they are all really worth watching (and there are many more on

William McDonough explaning CRADEL TO CRADEL design put into practice

chris Bangle head designer BMW tells what design management is all abou


john meda on the art of simplicity

paul bennet tells about design at IDEO

charles Leadbeater small guy versus big companies!!
hans rosling with a fantastic presentation technique and great statistics

8 min. shows a fantastic multi touch interface

Also see my blog

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Emailing: ferrari3

new ferrair
ugly interior
bit porsche ish too!

design is doomed


Starck denounces design, on the hunt for new career

Monday, March 31


According to an interview with Germany's Die Zeit weekly newspaper, Philippe Starck is ashamed of ever taking part in product design and plans to call it quits as a designer within 2 years.

"I will definitely give up in two years' time. I want to do something else, but I don't know what yet. I want to find a new way of expressing myself is a dreadful form of expression."

Claiming that design is officially dead, Starck predicts future designer types to fulfill the roles of the personal coach, the gym trainer, and the diet consultant. (And here we thought a sedentary life of Doritos and Solidworks was our calling...)

As Starck finds a hole to crawl into, his explosive statements will probably stir the design pot, at least once around ...and we can't say we're not pumped to witness his career twist in a couple years. If it involves being a fitness guru, will his workout studio and exercise videos be well-designed?


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