Friday, November 20, 2009

hooydonk throught the monocle

nice video interview with BMW ‘s hooydonk, notable extracts; the lasting impact of the crisis is that people with think longer about purchases, this also enhances the need for story telling, and better stories to tell around a product.

The future of form is going to be sharp, sharp is surprisingly effective in the wind tunnel. Functionalities will increase, more for your money, well considered purschases. Luxuary will reamin a theme as the experience of products becomes more important than the simple having of trophy pieces.

Bmw expresses engineering precision with the sharp styling lines.

Importance of authenticity, where does the product come from, who is behind it. This will be increasingly important.

Friday, November 13, 2009

FW: nissan_fuga_hybrid


Ouch! Going very much in the direction of the porsche work. Nasty, heavy and bumpy. In particular the nose is going wrong.

lexus goes sports

Hmm whats lexus up to these days?

Interesting mix of Ferrari and Nissan z. with a pinch of corvette for the USA market. Like the looks so far in this elevation. Stylish and luxurious without being heavy handed


see more from Tokyo car show, follow link.



FW: _honda_ev_n


Sorry more cars!, but this is s osweet, nice retro colouring and the graphic newson-esk front plate is very nice. Looks fun!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Emailing: herehook_layout

This caught my eye

Emailing: onehand2

The one handed cook aid with loots of help me jigs.

Seen on


Proving design for the physically challenged can also look very good.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Emailing: bb-hianddry-comp3

Nice but i must wonder does it need to be plastic base ect. The classic wooden fold out dish rack is also nice,

Seen on core77

Thursday, September 03, 2009

FW: cyberpunk funk

Nokia phone mod offers vision of dystopian cellular future
seen on core77

just for fun, a turkish designer did these cyberpunk mobile modifications.
pritty funky!

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Monday, August 31, 2009

new BMW concept

"efficient dynamics concept"

clear influences from Gina and the M1 concept, thats what happens once chris is out of the picture.

i love the 'fluid control' very expressive whithout being too feminine or aggressive as bmw often is.

Monday, August 24, 2009

link lamp

the link lamp, very graphical, i particulaly like the eyelet hindge detail.(sorry for the bad pic)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


i love the simplification of the bike down to a single loop icon, which works very well with the coasting, be one with your bike idea.
seen on designed by Teague

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Great ideas

this is just so sweet! a fold flat strainer!!

see for more nice ideas and to buy

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

the game changer


book review

the game changer


exellent book, if maybe somewhat american, and somewhat repetative, it gives many interesting examples of how p&g have succeded in reorientating there company towards innovation, how a large company can mobelize to be fast and innovative time and time again. gives lots of ideas and insights into how a company should structure it's self for sustainable innovation (as the only way for sustainable growth)


key points were;

-clear management goals that stretch theorganisation just enough.

-one clear rule of all rules "the customer is boss" this seems top settle all discussion, a good consumer trial will beat all opinions.

-indepth "living in research" for the insights then good old hard core quantative reaserch for validation

-grow your product range, add value (thus margin)grow your market

-create a people culture, people need to be comfortable without hirachy to stick there neck out for ideas, and thats what you need. p&G has special locations to take groups out of context and speed develop concepts, in small 'flat' divierse teams

-raipd consumer testing


-process frees up creativity ( was that this book??not sure)

innovation makes money, otherwise its invention

-set asside a clear budget for innovation seperate to daily business funds

-people and cominication are KEY

-look look look look test test test test


