I found this string of interesting articles from steve denning, as far as i understand it SCRUM is a fast moving managment strategy found in sofware dev. companies, where they have to compete with outsourcing, this method has apparently huge productivity advatagies upto 400% is quoted. it is based on the whole team moving forward as one passing the ball back and forth, in short dev. cycles . the following approaches are observed, nothing new but as a whole....
- Organize work in short cycles:
- The management doesn’t interrupt the team during a work cycle.
- The team reports to the client, not the manager:
- The team estimates how much time work will take:
- The team decides how much work it can do in an iteration:
- The team decides how to do the work in the iteration:
- The team measures its own performance:
- Define work goals before each cycle starts:
- Define work goals through user stories:
- Systematically remove impediments: