Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Everyone has a favorite “concept car.” Whether it’s the ‘54 Firebird, ‘64 Stiletto, ‘80 Epcot or ‘88 Sunraycer, these “flights

This is worth a read, how relevant is concept work if you don't try to make it real?

"Another flashy concept product is the Nokia Morph, the self-cleaning,

self-aware, self-preserving, self-charging, semi-opaque and semi-flexible

mobile device that the company hopes to integrate into handheld devices

in seven years. (This from a company that hasn't even been able to

answer the multi-touch iPhone challenge in nearly two years.)"

Everyone has a favorite "concept car." Whether it's the '54 Firebird, '64 Stiletto, '80 Epcot or '88 Sunraycer, these "flights of imagination" all have one thing in common: they weren't for real. 9/22/2008 3:59 PM from

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